Helicopter, Water

05-May-2024 Sunday
Summer shower

30-August-2022 Tuesday
jimmxattab's answer in Far Cry 2008 vs. Far Cry 6 in 2022. There was some really nice dynamic destruction in this game."

19-June-2021 Saturday
Helicopter washing

13-August-2020 Thursday
Red Bells

13-December-2019 Friday

05-February-2019 Tuesday
underwater helicopter

15-August-2017 Tuesday
Putting out a forest fire in Greece looks like a polar bear is chasing the sun.

19-February-2016 Friday
Tourist helicopter crashes into Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

03-December-2014 Wednesday
Submarine frozen in ice (secret filming)

03-May-2014 Saturday
They steal water from my pool

22-August-2013 Thursday
Is it 911? they steal water from my pool

19-August-2013 Monday
Water go!

15-July-2013 Monday
Helicopter takes water from the pool
